Friday, October 19, 2007

Over the rainbow

Last week, two of my beloved hamsters crossed over to the otherside of the rainbow into Hammie Heaven.
I dearly miss them. From the rambunctous family of four, we are now left with Meta (mumsy) and Rinky (the brat).

Ed (dad) and Binky (sweet thang) have left and I was pretty much in shock at losing both of them so suddenly. Ed was old, sure, but Binky was ill. She pretty much refused to eat, drink or do anything despite our best efforts. I just hope she didn't suffer.

Now however, we are focused on keeping Meta and Rinky as happy as ever and they are simply overjoyed at the increased amount of attention they're getting. I can see the happiness swelling in their content tummies.

I tried to get Meta to keep still for a photo but it's a losing battle. But I got an angelic shot of the little one (R) as she napped.

Here's to wonderful pets who make life much more special.

ps. Thanks to Kessa for giving me the nudge to post about this. I pondered for too long making no headway at all.


alt.ayu said...

So sorry to hear that~~ deepest condolences. But I do agree that posting about it makes it a little easier - something i found out myself as well. hugs for meta and rinky~ xoxox

Laura.Y said...

:( sorry to hear. it's always hard to lose a pet not to mention 2.

Jennifer said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Losing a pet is so hard. What a sweet picture though.

Sharon said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing beloved pets are so hard because they show such unconditional love. My deepest condolences.

Mira said...

sorry to hear about the hammies babe...

Anonymous said...

Ed and Binky will be happy in Hamster Heaven, I'm sure. =) I do agree about how difficult it is to take proper pictures of hamsters.. And how much easier it is when they're sleeping! =) Rinky is lookign positively adorable in that pic. Thanks for sharing!