Thursday, December 09, 2010

Christmas is almost here!

Are you knitting? Spinning? Crafting? Painting? Quilling? Tatting? Crocheting? Sewing?

There's not much time left - I would know, I haven't done a thing.

Wisdom for the day:

A two idiot explodes a sphere.


opportunityknits said...

Hi Rain, yup Christmas is almost here and I'm not doing any of the abovementioned. Hahaha I'm buying!
By the way, I've just realised that you share the same name as a Korean singer :)

Preeti said...

Too late to stress about Christmas knitting. I've finished about half my gift knitting list, the others have to be satisfied with store bought gifts because of my finger injury. Too much knitting led to a sore index finger, ouch!

Hope you're having a wonderful Christmas season:)

urban craft said...

oh my, December is the worst month for me. With birthdays, holiday cards, I need to finish some felt ornaments and WANT to make some felt lights. Other than that, knitting still knocks me out, I don't have it beat yet!